Profiel van nienke Offline

(10) (10 users voted)
Profielnaam: nienke
Voornaam: Nienke
Stad: Ruinen
Provincie: Drente
Land: Nederland
Geboortedatum: 16-08-1980
Je bent zelf: TV / TS
Persoonlijkheid: Anders
Sociale status: Vrijgezel
Beroep: Prostitute
Lengte (in cm): 189
Gewicht (in kg): 90
Plaats bericht:
Stem op nienke:
Bezoekers: 1487 bezoekers sinds 14-08-2022
Meer over jezelf:: Submissive tranvestite a.k.a sissy personality. Well known in how to behave. Searching for a dominant control in my live regarding femdom and forced feminisation. Interaction and attraction depends on the person and the interaction we have together. Ultimate goals is to become a real play doll for certain people.

A Mistress, Madam, or Pimp for serious intercourse and whom I can serve is very welcome and will be heard.

Do not hesitate to drop a message for contact. Greeting Nienke.
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