Profiel van sissysylvia Offline

(9) (18 users voted)
Profielnaam: sissysylvia
Voornaam: SissySylvia
Stad: Kalmthout
Provincie: Antwerpen
Land: Belgie
Geboortedatum: 11-05-1986
Je bent zelf: TV / TS
Sociale status: Vaste relatie
Gewicht (in kg): 54
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Bezoekers: 2025 bezoekers sinds 12-01-2024
Meer over jezelf:: Hi, I'm looking for my first date with a sexy cd:* I don't invite you to my house, I can come to your place or we can arrange a date in the car. My hole is still a virgin. So maybe we can have some fun and you can help me change this. I love summers, sometimes I also go for exciting walks as Sylvia.
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