Profiel van sir-roo Online

(7) (7 users voted)
Profielnaam: sir-roo
Voornaam: roo
Stad: Nijmegen
Provincie: Gelderland
Land: Nederland
Geboortedatum: 23-04-1979
Je bent zelf: Man
Persoonlijkheid: Anders
Sociale status: Vrijgezel
Lengte (in cm): 172
Gewicht (in kg): 63
Plaats bericht:
Stem op sir-roo:
Bezoekers: 1295 bezoekers sinds 19-03-2023
Meer over jezelf:: "A dirty mind is a joy forever " tis the code i live by and there is not a specific role that applies to me, but a kinkster is probably the one that covers the most I just love to have kinky sex and i'm up for almost everything kinky.
The role switch suits me best . I like to be Dominant , but sometimes Ican be submissive.
Offcourse i enjoy vanilla sex also. A lot depends on the connection and the chemistry.
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